Drawing has always been a huge part of my life- it’s my forever driving force.
As early teenager I was obsessed with Comics, skateboarding, painting Tabletop miniatures, building model-sceneries and listening to rock music. At some point I really got into movies
and other forms of art. Today all of those elements still heavily influence my work.
From 2014 until 2019 I studied Fine Arts at Institut Kunst in Basel, Switzerland. After that I gained some experience helping out at several Painting- & Sculpture Departments in different Theatres and working several side jobs.
Since then I often find myself wrapped up in some obscure music related projects, collaborations or doing commissions.
Some clients and partners include
Zeal and Ardor, Infectious Grooves (Robert Trujillo), HR Giger Museum, Theater Basel, Comix Shop Basel, Mirofilm, Flyart,
Studio Herrmann, Sommercasino, Asbest, Echolot, Holy Serpent, Leaden Fumes, Muerte Espiral, Vigljos, Mild Crush (own band),
Die Basler Eule and many more.
Thanks for visiting!
Manuel Guldimann
Don't use my​ art without my permission and
don't use my art to train AI engines and machine learning of any kind.

appearances so far:
2013 Farbklex, Liestal
Kulturnacht, Aesch
Props for MIRCompagnie, Basel
2014 DOK, Basel
Just A Jam Graffitti, Zunzgen
2015 Basisaustellung Institut Kunst, Kunsthaus Baselland
JKON, Schützi, Olten
Bizarre Beach and Other Tales, Intercoiffure Daniela Guldimann, Liestal
2016 Basisausstelllung Institut Kunst, HGK, Basel
Props for „Der Basler Trichter“, Theater Basel
2017 Solo Exhibition, Artachment, Basel
Ein Kuriositätenkabinett, Kabinett der Visonäre, Chur
Solo Exhibition, Tikibar, Restaurant Platanenhof, Basel
Bachelor Diplomausstellung, Kunsthaus Baselland
2018 Group Exhibition, Holzhalle Bahnhof St. Johann, Basel
Exhibition with Riane Lüthi, Tikibar, Restaurant Platanenhof, Basel
Comicfest, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Basel
2019 Souterrain Festival, Kaschemme, Basel
I Never Read, Kaserne, Basel
Comicfest, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Basel
Master Diplomausstellung, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz
Exhibition with Fabio Kieser, Baleo Center, Basel
Record release show Corpus Delicti& Francois Boulanger, Restaurant Hirscheneck, Basel
2020 Comicfest, Sommercasino Basel
2021 Group Exhibition, Sommercasino
Fantasy Basel, Messehalle, Basel
2022 Kunst küsst Keramik, Intercoiffure Daniela Guldimann, Liestal
I Never Read, Kaserne, Basel
Czarfest, Kaserne, Basel
Comic- Manga- Filmbörse Zürich
2023 Spring Show, Hirscheneck, Basel
Solo Exhibition, WABE, Basel
Solo Exhibition, Tikibar, Basel
Synthesis Group Exhibition, Stadtfenster, K Haus Basel
Salon du lapin, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Posterbazar, Comixshop, Basel
Comicfest, Markthalle, Basel
2024 Fumetto (Sattelit), Old Town Record Store, Luzern